Tous en cuisine



• The day before preparing, place the dried beans to soak in water.
• The next day, drain the beans and pat dry in a clean tea towel.
• Preheat the oven to 180°C. Peel the carrots, two cloves of garlic and an onion, studding it with the clove. Chop the carrots and garlic.
• Place the carrots, garlic, onion, tied-together pork rind, a bouquet garni, a tomato, the pork belly and beans in a Dutch over. Cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Then cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 1½ hours.
• Peel and slice the remaining onions and 2 cloves of garlic. Melt the duck fat in a second Dutch oven and brown the shoulder of lamb. Remove and sauté the onion and garlic for 2 to 3 min then return the lamb to the pot along with a bouquet garni and a tomato. Season. Add 4 ladlefuls of the cooking liquid from the first pot and cold water to cover. Let simmer for 30 min over medium heat.
• Slice the garlic sausages and brown in a greased frying pan. In the same pan, sauté the Toulouse-style sausages then add both sausages to the second Dutch oven and let simmer another 10 minutes.
• When the beans are cooked, drain them, reserving the cooking liquid. Cut the meat into pieces. Rub an ovenproof gratin dish with a clove of garlic.
• Transfer half of the beans to the gratin dish, top with a layer of meat and the duck legs, pour over some of the cooking liquid, add the rest of the beans and sprinkle with 20 g of the breadcrumbs. Bake for 15 minutes then break up and stir the breadcrumb crust back into the
cassoulet. Repeat 6 times every 15 minutes until you have 7 layers of breadcrumbs.

Perfect paring: our Cabernet Sauvignon !

Preparation time : 2h30
Serve : 4 pers.
Level : 2
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• 400 g dried white beans
• 200 g pork belly
• 20 g pork rind
• 300 g shoulder of lamb
• 4 Toulouse-style sausages
• 300 g garlic sausage
• 4 confit duck legs
• 200 g carrots
• 140 g breadcrumbs
• 2 tomatoes
• 100 g onions
• 5 cloves garlic + 1 for rubbing the dish
• 2 bouquets garnis
• 1 clove
• 1 Tbsp fat from the confit duck
• Salt
• Pepper

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